Saturday, October 8, 2011

Another Underwear Story

OK so what is the deal with me and underwear??? No, I didn't forget it at home or leave it on the bench for everyone to see.....

I went to the gym yesterday. I remembered to take underwear for when I got out of the pool. The manager of the gym wanted to talk to me about my renewal since my membership would be up in January. I would rather sign up now instead of standing in line in January when everyone has their New Year's resolutions to fulfill. Anyway, I told him I would catch up with him on my way out. I worked out in the felt so good to be back!!! When I was done I grabbed my clothes and headed to one of the changing rooms. I do not change out in the open like some of the members......even if I was a size 2 I wouldn't change out in the open. Anyway, I took off my bathing suit and started to get dressed. Then it hit me......once upon a time I bought a pretty pair of lacy panties.....that were a smaller size then I am now. They were one of my incentives to lose weight. As soon as I pulled them out of my gym bag I knew I had made a mistake......I was not going to fit into these here were my options......put my wet bathing suit back on and put my clothes on over it or guessed it......go without....I opted to go without.....which would have been not too bad but then as I walked out of the locker room I realized I had to stop at the managers office about my renewal.......uugghh...that was the longest 10 minutes of my life......although I did find the time to ask if I could get any additional discounts so I guess I wasn't too was kind of funny thinking this poor manager should only know I am sitting here without the correct undergarments.....he probably would have given me a free membership just to get me out of his office.....maybe I should have called this entry Donna goes commando......LOL.....why does this stuff only happen to me?????

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