Saturday, October 8, 2011

Another Business Trip

Last week I went on another trip to Maine. This was a Manager's meeting. It was so much easier to travel with other people from my office. The hard part is your eating is so thrown off when you travel. I had a muffin for breakfast on the run and then had an airport sandwich in the late afternoon. You know that sandwich had to be less than was desired but at least I wasn't hungry. When we got to the hotel I had an appetizer and a salad for dinner at 9:30.

The next day we were at the office by 8:30. The days were filled with meetings and activities. The work was mixed with team building. The team building included a murder mystery lunch, answering questions about ourselves, a dinner in a very quaint old house turned restaurant and laser tag. I was an observer for that event. Running around in the dark with no shoes on is not when I am at my best.

Before I knew it our Wednesday meetings were over and I was on my way home.

It was a great opportunity to meet some of the other managers but I am so ready to get back into my "normal" schedule. I have missed the gym and being more in control of what I eat.

Dorothy was right......there is no place like home.......

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