Sunday, October 16, 2011

I Need Some Sleep

The craziness of the last few weeks has made for some restlessness nights....

During the day I am trying to focus on so much......making sure I am absorbing all I can that my brain doesn't want to shut off at bedtime....

One of the things I have read is to be successful at weight loss you need to get enough sleep. But how can I do that if my brain isn't willing to go to sleep. I can usually fall asleep in the recliner for an hour or so between 9 and 11 at night. Then when I go to bed for real and I am awake. I know I should try to stay awake until I go to bed for the night or go to bed earlier but if I do that next thing I know I will be going to bed a soon as I walk through the door. Isn't it bad enough I put on my pj's as soon as I get home......what's next the 4:00 dinner special for Sr. Citizen's???

I do live on the edge and sometimes take a Tylenol PM.....but I don't want to get used to doing that every night....

And how much sleep do I need to lose people lose weight when they sleep more because that is less time they can eat??? I am sure it is something more scientific than that.....

I think as I get used to my new job and start to know what I know.....I will be able to sleep better or knowing me.....I will just find somethig else to worry about....LOL.....I am a mess....

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