Sunday, October 23, 2011

Create insanely different experiences

How do I do this??? I am not exactly the most adventurous person I know. Can insanely different experiences for me be traveling by myself to somewhere I have never been....for me oh yeah. Can it be me baring my soul in this blog....oh yeah. Changing jobs......big oh yeah.

I guess any time I step out of my comfort zone it would be an insanely different experience since I am so controlling and do not have an impulsive bone in my body. As I grow in confidence who knows what craziness I might try next. Spend a holiday someplace other than my own house......what travel on a holiday??? Not plan the meals for the week.....what would I write on the menu board.....leave it blank??? Buy myself something and not feel the need to justify it to anyone.....can't imagine it???

I will keep you posted as to what insanely different experiences I might try......or maybe I won't let you know unless I actually try them or succeed at them......and my idea of insanely wild could be way different from your......I mean which of you would think insanely different is going to the gym in the morning instead of after work......for me that would be don't look for entries about parasailing or skydiving or dancing on least not from entries by me......but if any of you want to try any of those options.....let me know....I will be there to watch......

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