Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Family Visit

I was expecting my brother and his wife (George and Marge) on Wednesday. I took the day off and was going to finish cleaing the house before their arrival. So imagine my surpise when my Mom called me at work and told me George and Marge were sitting under the underpass at I26 and I77.....trying to avoid the rain. Oh did I mention this was on TUESDAY......yes Tuesday!!!!!!

Thank goodness they couldn't see the look on my face as I yelled into the phone"What do you mean they are in Columbia?????". I called Jenn and told her to get right home after work. The Wednesday dinner I had planned was moved to Tuesday. We had tortolini and meatball soup and ceasar salad. When I got home from work......slightly frazzled.

On Wednesday, they got the full southern eating experience......Krispy Kreme doughnuts (I didn't have any since one would no where be close to filling me up and I didn't want to have one and then want more).......later in the day I dropped them at the State Fair so they could check out the food and exhibits. I told George it was ok to wear a t-shirt, shorts, and his boots.....hey it's the SC State Fair not an White House state dinner. They enjoyed themselves with corn dogs, funnel cakes and George even tried fried butter!!! I don't think he will try it again but I give him credit for trying it. He said you could feel a heart attack happening as you ate the little deep fried balls of butter. We ended the day by having dinner at Rockaways....great burgers and once again some fried foods. Jenn had made one of George's favorite cookies......chocolate chips. Can you see the theme running through this paragraph......LOL.

Too soon it was Thursday morning and they were leaving to head back to NY. It was a short but fun visit. I left them the house key and told them when they were ready to leave just stop by Chic-Fil-A and give the key to Bob......since there aren't a lot of Chic-Fil-A's near them in NY it just made sense to have them grab a chicken biscuit on the way out of town........

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