Sunday, October 16, 2011

Over 300 Hundred Posts.....

It seems like it took forever to get my first 100 posts I just passed my 300th entry....WOW!!!

What have I learned as I have been writing.......other than the obvious......that I feel more confident about my ability to write.....

I may not have gone through the physical transformation that I had hoped for but I am NOT giving up.......the new improved Donna is still coming your way......just at a snails pace....

I feel better physically than I did when I started......thanks to ....Carol......Gold's Gym.....and Jenn who kicked my butt through the door of the gym on the days when I didn't feel like going.....

Psychologically.......I am a work in confidence is up......some.....

I don't think I would consider myself broken when I started this process.....maybe vey badly bruised......but the healing process day at a hour at a time....sometimes one second at a time.....

To heal......I need to continue to learn to love myself........I need to learn to reach out more......I need to be honest.....and I need to laugh more.....

A tall order.......but one I think I can fill......all in good time.......I feel like I am heading in the right direction.....just the road has more turns and bumps than I anticipated at the start......

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