Saturday, October 8, 2011

Thanks Southwest Airlines

I started to examine when my hesitation (fear) about flying started. I used to love to fly. After much thought I realized I have Southwest Airlines to thank. Why Southwest you might ask.....

There was a show on cable about Southwest and the trials and tribulations of running an airline. On several episodes, they showed airline employees pulling overweight people from the waiting gates. They would bring the person on the plane and have them sit in a seat to make sure they didn't invade anyone else's space. If they did they would have to buy a second ticket. How humiliating is that??? Although in my heart of hearts I thought this would not happen to me.......there was that little voice saying "what if they pick you out of line?" I was crippled with fear.....

Well, no one pulled me out of line, I fit in the seat without a problem, I was very aware of "my space" and made sure not to invade the space of my seatmate. Each person I sat next to was very nice and no one made me feel uncomfortable.

I did have one scary moment but it was my misunderstanding that made it very funny. While waiting for our connecting flight in Philadelphia a very serious airline employee (who looked like he was about 12) announced on one flight there was going to be a weight restriction. A look of horror came across my face. He said that since the luggage on the plane was heavy that they might not be able to take all the passengers. Whew....I thought maybe US Airways had changed their name to Southwest!!!! Lisa who was traveling with me started to laugh.....she had heard the same announcement and thought what is going on?? I think she knew from the look on my face what I was thinking......

Well at least I figured my flying issues.....thanks Southwest.....thanks a lot!!!!

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