Saturday, October 8, 2011

Back to a Normal Routine and the Basics

I haven't been too hard on myself lately. Due to my travels I have not been able to go to the gym or have the control over my food that I like to do know I like to be in control don't you?

Well, I am finally at a point where I can get back on track. I have missed the gym. I have missed planning my meals. I have missed eating when I want to and when I want to.......

I think being out of routine makes it easy for me to regroup and start back at the beginning. It is time to pull it all together. For example, I have already made a salad to have for lunch tomorrow. I have planned on oatmeal for breakfast. I did some extra moving today by cleaning the car. I feel recharged and ready to get back on track.

It is time to get my act more trips to more meals that I can't my goal is.....down 10 to 15 by Christmas......think I can do it???? I think I can.....maybe being forced to be out of control is what I needed to make me think about how comfortable I am when I am in control......ok hummus, mushrooms, wheat flatbread.....I am I just have to focus.....

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