Sunday, October 23, 2011

Back In The Kitchen

With the summer now past and the weather getting is time to get back in the kitchen. No longer is it too hot to cook. I love the idea of getting the vegetable steamer out and having a variety of them to munch on. I love the fall and it turns my head to the wonderful smell of soup cooking in the kitchen. I have plenty of healthy soup options. I love salads but sometimes a warm bowl of soup can be so soothing.

This is also the most dangerous time of year....eating wise. I recently read an article that said from Halloween to Super Bowl Sunday, we eat so much more than the rest of the year. I have to be careful not to get sucked in as visions of Pumpkin Pie, Sweet Potato Souffle, Stuffing, Christmas Cookies and all the rest go dancing in my head.

I have learned a lot in the last year or two about healthy options and once again I will summon all my strength to get through the next few months and not watch the scale go up.

I will stick to my gym schedule, I am so busy at work that I am lucky to remember to eat lunch, I will remember to get up and walk around more at the office vs. stting at my desk for hours on end, I will make sure to have plenty of options for me food wise and I will make it to Super Bowl Sunday without that number on the scale moving up.......wouldn't it be fabulous if it moved down during this time of year!!! Well, that is what I will be working toward.....

I am not saying I will be perfect and I cannot promise that a piece of pumpkin pie will not pass my lips........but I will be more aware of what I am eating.

I will keep my goals of healthier eating, weight loss and getting in better shape physically in the front of my mind. But I sure do wish it was the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday and I had this all behind me..... and less of a behind......LOL!!!

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