Sunday, October 23, 2011

Gotta Get on Schedule

I have gotten back in control of my eating......for the most part. I have tried to avoid the land mines including banning Jenn from making brownies. The brownies scream my name and the only way to quiet them is to have one. No more brownies in the house!!!! Then of course there is the dreaded Halloween candy. I am not allowing my favorites into the house.......almond joys and snickers. Tootsie rolls are OK because the calorie count is not bad and they are easy to control. Even though I am not a huge fan of reeses peanut butter cups and malt balls.......they are in a glass pumpkin on the table......each time someone opens the jar I can hear my name being faintly called by the candies but so far I have stuck my fingers in my ears and hummed loudly to not hear them too much.

My work schedule has made getting to the gym somewhat difficult but this week I need to make this my focus. If necessary I will take my laptop home and finish whatever I don't get to before I leave the office. The gym is important to me for many reasons: I feel better when I am on a regular schedule at the gym, I burn more calories and I love the way I feel when I am done and those endorphins kick in.

So this matter what.....I will be at the gym back on my regular unless.....this is too important to me!!!!!

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