Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Pedicure and Ironing

By the time I left work on Saturday I was so ready to do something for me. I had to do some juggling but was able to get an appointment for a pedi at 3:30 on Saturday. I left the office at 3:00 and was right on time. Brandi was just great.....she really pampered me as we talked about our families, tattoo's (her's not mine) and the new colors of polish coming out. Even when she was done she said "Just sit there and relax." Which I did.......I could feel the stress and craziness of the week slowly slip away......thanks were just what the Dr. ordered!!!!!

As I was driving home Jenn called me.....not only had she done the food shopping but she had also done the ironing.....God I love that girl!!!!!

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