Saturday, October 29, 2011

Back On the Scale

I woke up this morning and decided it was time to get the scale again. I hadn't been on the scale in maybe 8 weeks. I was feeling good and thought with my new eating pattern( eating when I am hungry and not feeling like I have to eat what everyone else eats) and the lack of free time at work to munch.....I am definitely eating less.

I weighed myself 5 times......LOL.....some things never change. I was down on the scale all directions. I am 2 pounds away from another goal and that excites me. If I can be down 12-13 pounds by Christmas (that is a pretty ambitious goal), I would be at a great place to end the year. I will have to step it up at the gym but I feel focused.

Did you notice that I said I wanted to be down by year end? I usually want to get through the holidays by not gaining. This year I am trying to focus on going down. I am realistic enough to know that on Thanksgiving(which is my birthday) and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day all bets are off....I will not deprive myself of treats on those days. I am also going to focus on not eating my way from Halloween to Super Bowl Sunday. Occassionaly treats are fine....well here I go.......2 days until Halloween.....I love this time of year.....and I hate it too.....

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