Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Isn't Turnabout Fair Play????

When I was a kid and someone was mean to me.....my first reaction was to be mean back. My Mom of course would advise me against that. The Bible says to turn the other cheek and some idiot came up with the phrase " to take the high road". Why??

If someone continues to hurt you intentionally.....why should you have to put up with that crap????? I was not put on this earth to be someones personal punching bag. So how do I deal with it......fighting back and being mean doesn't make for a peaceful situation. Can I get through to the people causing this pain and get them to change.....probably not. I am not perfect and I can hit below the belt and have gotten good at the verbal jabs......but I do not like being that person. So I try silence......but I can only be silent so long when someone continues to hurt me.

I have to figure it out.....remember I am the person who is not used to putting herself first....and all I want is peace.....

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