Sunday, October 23, 2011

Put A Dent In The Universe-- Steve Jobs

I think each of us puts a dent in the universe in one way or another. Somewhere I once heard you cannot change a grain of sand without changing the course of history. My grain of sand has been the lifestyle changes I have been is changing my history.

I went to the Dr. this was a good visit. All the numbers were where they should be and I felt good when I left.

I got back to the gym this week and spent 45 minutes jogging in the pool. When I went in to get changed one of the ladies in the locker room said to me "I was watching you and you were rocking it in the pool." That made me feel good!!!

I almost decided not to go to the gym......I got stuck later than I wanted to at work so by the time I got home got into my bathing suit and headed to the gym it was heading toward 7:00......I am usually heading home by then.....I was getting in the pool as the water aerobics class was getting out. It turned out OK I just started jogging and next thing I knew it was 7:45. I got home after 8:00 but at least I got my workout in and that's all that matters.

So with the path I am on I may put a dent in the just won't be quite as big.....

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