Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dr. Seuss and the Octopus

No, this is not the name of a new Dr. Seuss book that you have never heard of....


I was very happy to see pictures of my great niece, Victoria, with her grandparents on facebook. Victoria was in her Halloween costume for a party at her day care center. She is the spitting image on my nephew Michael. Victoria was an octopus and a pink octopus to boot. She was smiling and looked to be enjoying herself in each photo. It reminded me of a Halloween over 25 years ago when Mikey was dressed as Snoopy for Halloween. Putting it mildly.......he was not very happy in his costume. Victoria on the other hand seemed to be having a grand time......8 arms and all!!!


What do you get the girl who has everything? This was my problem when it came to my new great niece Elouise Elizabeth. There is a rumor she could change hourly for the next 2 years and never run out of clothes. I wanted to send something but struggled with what.....

Then it hit me.....when we were kids a cousin sent us a book of children's literature. One of the stories in the book was "And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street". My Dad loved that story and could recite it from memory. When my brother George's sons were born he painted the whole story on their bedroom walls. So off to Miss Elouise went a piece of family history.....I wasn't even sure Nick would remember the story or his bedroom walls with it painted there. I put a note with the book giving a gentle reminder of the stories history in our family.

I was very happy when Grandma Patty sent me a message on facebook that the book had arrived. Patty also gave Nick and Sally the family background on the book. I am happy to report that Grandma Patty said Miss Elouise has officially heard the story for the first time......I am sure it will not be the last.....

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