Saturday, December 31, 2011

The 12 Hopes of 2012

Now that I have listed the best of 2011.....let's move on to 2012. Here are my hopes for the New Year....

1. Good health, happiness and prosperity to all my family and friends.

OK now the rest are about me:

2. Write more. I think I am good at it so I need to spend more time doing it.

3. Try to get published. Not sure exactly how to tackle this but will start to investigate how.

4. Take a real vacation. Barbados maybe??

5. Spend at least one hour a week reading. Just for enjoyment.....

6. Spend more time with family and friends.....laughter is a must!!!!

7. Continue to focus on me.....the gym, healthy eating and improved health.

8. Stop stressing over what I can't control......this is going to be a biggie for me the control freak......this will be a work in progress. I cannot guarantee overnight success or even a huge change but even a slight improvement would be good.

9. How about more me time......after all it is all about me!!!

10. I need to treat myself to things I want.....nothing too crazy but stop saying maybe next year and start doing it now.

11. I need to realize that the world will not stop if I take a day off to play or an afternoon off for some me time.

12. I hope that when the year ends I am a few pounds lighter (not going to pressure myself into a prediction of how much), a size or two smaller, found some healthy eating options, replaced some fat with muscle, burned some calories through laughter, hugged when I could, walked more, napped when I felt like it, and found the me that I want to be..... not the me that anyone else wants.....

WOW!!!! That is an impressive list of challenges......I think I am up to the task......stay tuned as I move through the year......I will keep you posted. Let's see when I sit down at the end of 2012 how well I did.....not that it will be a failure if I don't accomplish all I have listed......I will get an "A" for effort and that matters too.......

Goodbye 2011 and Hello 2012......Happy New Year!!!!!

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