Sunday, December 4, 2011

The First Gift Returns of the Season

This might be a record......I have already returned gifts I bought. Having a large team at work had me thinking......I needed to plan early to I could get each person a nice gift without going broke. On Black Friday, I took care of it.....or so I thought. Last Friday, I found out that we aren't allowed to give out gifts to the team. Management feels it isn't fair because what if some manager's don't give their teams gifts....

I am not going to say what the gift was because I might be able to use it on another occasion. Meanwhile, I did find out there is a Christmas breakfast at the office on December 20th. The manager's make and serve breakfast to the employees. I am good with that but I also need to wear a Santa hat.......I think I have made it pretty clear I have an issue with my hair. Do you have any idea what my hair will look like after being under a Santa hat for a few hours??? So in order to avoid a hair problem I will need to go hunting for one of those headbands with reindeer antlers or something equally foolish so I can preserve the beauty of my least this way I won't have to have hat head for the whole day.......

Did I mention I will need to be at the office at 5:00 AM....yes I said 5:00 AM......that means I will have to get up at 3:30AM!!!!

I will let you know what headgear I decide to sport that day.......I am sure it will be just stunning........and unfortunately.....I am sure this will be photo op for the company newsletter.......fa la la la la la la la la

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