Saturday, December 10, 2011

Was That Part of a Pretzel???

When I was young I found the sleeves on a nun's habit fascinating.They would pull things out of those sleeves like a magician does out of his hat. Suddenly a handkerchief would appear, a piece of chalk, a rosary and the dreaded clicker.....what is the clicker you was a little something that make a clicking sounds to let us know when to stand, sit and kneel (that is definitely material for another entry) .....anyway you never quite knew what might appear from up those sleeves......I wouldn't have been surprised if the Sunday New York Times or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich appeared from those sleeves....

Where an I going with this you might ask.....well there are times when I have used my bra the same way.....I put money, my inhaler, car keys and my ATM card down in there....sometimes by them selves and sometimes as a group.....LOL....I treat it like a mini pocketbook.....LOL

But I morning this week I was taking a shower and I saw something fall on the floor of the tub.....I thought for a second "what was that?" I picked up the fallen item and examined it....without my glasses which is a challenge....what was it I was looking at?? It was part of a pretzel......yes part of a pretzel. So now I am standing in the shower wondering where the hell a part of a pretzel came from???? Then it hit me......I had eaten some pretzels at work the day before.....I guess a piece of one had fallen into my blouse, working its way into my bra and under my left boob.....apparently even when I came home, changed and took off my bra that little piece of pretzel has found a place to stay the scary is the space under the girls a new food bank??? Like the nuns sleeves??? Do I now have to check each night to make sure nothing has decided to take residence there? Imagine if I had an accident and end up in the hospital......they would have thought I was some kind of a nut with a piece of pretzel tucked under a body part....well now I have something to add to my nightly routine.....check for stray food I don't have enough to do......

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