Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Godiva and Me

Trying to get through the holidays without completely blowing it......what a challenge.......

But I am trying hard. Case an point.......remember the pumpkin pie that I treated myself to at Thanksgiving for a big $ got pitched without even taking a slice.

Candy and cookies given to us by neighbors........not one spec has passed my lips.

This week there was a big challenge......someone had sent to the office a huge box of Godiva Chocolates. YUM!! I walked by the table it was on without stopping....well at first I did.....then I went back and look at the box.....then I looked at the paper that tells you which kind of chocolate is which. I read it carefully.......the I opened the box and announced to anyone in listening range that I was going to have one. Well the box had been pretty well picked over but there were still enough left for me to make some selection with the guidance of the paper telling me what was what. I even went as far as to pull off the top level to see what was left on the bottom level. I had zeroed in on my choice....a nice juicy caramel. And then I put everything back in the box and walked away without taking one.

Score on for me!!!! I guess one of the things I have learned is to think before I eat and to realize that that piece of chocolate might taste good for a minute that would be it and it would be gone.

I am not saying I will not get through the next 2 weeks without any treats but for a change I will pick and choose them carefully. Like the pumpkin pie and the Godiva chocolates.....I will think is it really worth it????

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