Sunday, December 11, 2011

Guess What I Found Today..........Christmas

As you all know I have been searching for Christmas.....well many times you find things where you least expect to.....where did I find it????.....the last place I would have thought to look....across the street from the Rite Aid parking lot on Garners Ferry Road....

Jenn and I were heading to Walgreens to buy my lovely head attire for the Christmas Breakfast at the office (I stated in an earlier post that I would not be donning the Santa Hat the other manager's would be wearing......I instead will be wearing a headband with antlers, mistletoe and bells....less chance of hat hair)......

Anyway, all of a sudden Jenn says "Mom look at that!!!!" I tuned my head and saw motorcycles......hundreds of them.....I would even venture to say thousands of them....they were in the VA parking lot and coming down Garners Ferry Road......we pulled into the Rite Aid parking lot and watched......the motorcycles continue to come for another 15 minutes......I have never seen so many motorcycles in my whole life.....I told Jenn it was the Veteran's Christmas Charity Ride....

We were not the only people who stopped to watch....the Rite Aid and adjoining parking lot had a lot of cars parked with people watching......Jenn got out of the car and took pictures and a video with her cell phone.....

Being such a sap.....I did have to wipe away a few tears.....but it was an amazing feeling to watch all those vet's riding by.....a few were even dressed as Santa....

When Jenn got back in the car she asked me if I now felt Christmas ..... I have to say I did is not about the presents or food or the can you top this attitude that goes with the holiday......I was reminded it is about small acts of kindness.....I could feel the magic as I watched the parade of motorcycles go I just have to figure out how to keep that feeling.....not just for the next two weeks but also for the 52 that follow........

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