Saturday, December 24, 2011

No Man Is A Failure Who Has Friends

My Dad would have agreed with Clarence the Angel from "It's A Wonderful Life". My Dad used to say if when you died you could hold up your hand and say you have 5 friends that you has done well in life.

We all have acquaintances.....a lot of them. They are fun to hang with and share the good times. But there is something about friends....real true friends. They share the good times, they walk with us through the struggles and may even help carry us in our dark hours. There is something about having a history with another person. They have known both the best and worst of you and still for some crazy reason want to be around you. They can complete your sentences, with one look they know what you are thinking and you can go long periods of time without speaking and still get on the phone and catch up in just a few minutes and it is as if it were yesterday that you had just spoken. Yes, acquaintances can become friends but it is not something that happens over night.

The great part about having friends is they choose you too.....not like family where they have to put up with you. Yes, family is family and we all have had some that we would have chosen as friends even if there wasn't a connection by blood but we ALL also have family that we couldn't care if we ever saw them again.

But a good friend is like a pair of old slippers.....comfortable, familiar and although they might show some wear you won't replace them.

I have friends from various stages in my life....they came into my life from different directions. They may not have always agreed with me or thought my choices were right but they have refrained from using those dreaded words "I told you so". I don't know what I would have done without them.....they have shared my joys and successes......they have listened to me when I was trying to figure out life......and when I needed a sounding board they were there.

No man or woman is a failure who has friends......I guess that makes me a success!! But those poor people that have become my friends......sorry guys you are stuck with me and I with you.....I feel very blessed.

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