Sunday, December 4, 2011

Still Looking For Christmas

OK I am on week 3 of looking for Christmas......I love looking at the tree. I like seeing the house lit up. I listen to the Christmas music on the radio. But I am still searching for the feeling.......

I hope that I will find it somewhere......maybe it will hit when I least expect it. Maybe Santa will leave me some little surpise.....I hope he does. Last year was special because my Mom was here. We were lucky to have her with us. Jenn took out the angels Mom made us last year. They are beautiful. It is so special to have them sitting on the front table watching over us.

Jenn says I am making her crazy because I am not making gift suggestions.......there is not a lot I want that can be put in a box under the tree. The things I want are not material......they are more emotional or spiritual. The feelings of Christmas....the magic.....the belief that anything is I expecting too much?? Believe......believe in what??? I believe there are still things that happen at Christmas that are unexplainable......

I will keep searching......I know the magic is out there somewhere.....

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