Saturday, December 10, 2011

Benefits of Working Late

Working late.....I have been doing it a lot lately......not that I mind. I use the time after 5:00 to get caught up on what I don't get to during the work day. I could bring my laptop home and work from there. I may start doing that.....I am thinking about getting an flat screen monitor to hook-up to my laptop so I will have 2 screens like I do at work. That will make it much easier to work at home. In the New Year, Tuesday and Thursday will not be late nights because I will be getting back to the gym on a regular schedule and that is a good thing.

Anyway, there is a benefit to working late......each night when I leave the office.....I call my Mom. The conversation usually starts like this "Hi Mom" that's me...."Donna, are you on your way home?" that's Mom....."Yes, I am on my way home" that's me....."Oh Donna you are working late and long days" that's Mom.....but the nice part is I get to set aside the time during the ride home to catch up with Mom. We cover the same topics each is her day, how is she feeling, has she talked to anyone, what has she had to eat and on and on. She asks the same was my day, anything new with Jenn and have I talked to any family members.....

This might sound boring and routine but it means a lot to me. It means each day I have a 20 minute or so conversation with Mom. Usually we do not solve the worlds problems, we do talk about sports and TV. But I treat it as a daily visit with Mom. As I move along the highway headed home it gives me something else to think about other than how tired I might be.

Mom will say after about 25 minutes, "Are you home yet?" usual response is either "I am just driving into my sub-division or I have already been in the driveway a few minutes." We end the conversation by saying "I love you and I will talk to you tomorrow." Those conversations give me chance to unwind and talk to Mom as if we were sitting across the table from each other having a cup of coffee.

If I was coming home at rush hour I might not be able to afford myself that luxury. If I start bringing home my laptop....I will still carve out time each day for our conversations. And I know is some states talking on my cell phone would be grounds for a ticket but for now it makes the commute home after a long day a good way to pass the time......and a chance to visit with Mom.

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