Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Polar Express- Quote 1

Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see.

Who would think a children's story would have such a profound statement? I have never stopped believing in Santa and the magic. I do understand what it means to believe in things you can't see......I believe in the me yet to be. In my head, I do have a vision of what I may look like when I have gotten to a certain point in my journey. You will note I said "gotten to a certain point" not the end of my journey. This journey has no has twists and turns even I had never anticipated. The thing that keeps me going is the belief in something even I can't see......this journey is not only about the physical but about the inside of me too. There is such an emotional piece that I struggle with as hard as the fight that forces me to continue to go to the gym on a regular basis.

But as with my belief in Santa......I believe in me......I have a pin on my desk that I have been wearing the last few simply says Believe......normally I would put it away once Christmas is over but this year I think I will keep it on my is a sign I need to see as I travel on my journey.......a reminder that I may not see the physical changes I seek immediately but there are other changes taking place inside of me.....and in that I do believe......

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