Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Polar Express- Quote 2

The thing about trains... it doesn't matter where they're going. What matters is deciding to get on.

I am been standing at the train station for so long that my feet are stuck on the floor of the platform. Those of you who know me well know my indecision when it comes to certain things can be a real struggle. I plan and I dream but I never get myself to get on the train. Well, that is one of my New Years is time to stop standing at the platform and waiving goodbye as others hop on the train. This year is my time to get my ticket punched and hop on. I am not sure what train it will be and in which direction it will head but I have promised myself that the time has come for some new adventures. For me just making a commitment to this is a major move. It could be working more on my writing, it could be trying to be more spontaneous, it could be going on a trip or any other number of things.

The bottom line is I am on the platform and waiting for the train to pull in......I can hear the whistle in the distance, my ticket is punched and now it is time to climb on......destination unknown.

By the end of 2012, I hope I have done entries about where I have gone and what new adventures I have had........I think I am finally ready.


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