Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Well we finally made it to Christmas Eve....the shopping is done, the wrapping is finished and we are at my favorite point of the holiday.....there is nothing left to do but enjoy......

We watched the Giants win....I took a nap......I woke up from my nap and Jenn was asleep (we are just a partying bunch here) and now we are watching It's A Wonderful Life. Jenn is now awake and preparing snacks for us to eat. This might sound boring to some but it is exactly what I wanted. Most of my family is not having grand parties or huge get togethers.....if there was a large gathering of the family I would want to be there but as it is OK for Jenn and I to have this quiet evening. In years past, Christmas Eve was a busy night and the family would gather. Now due to distance and not always having the time needed to travel or the funds to travel we just have to make due. Bob is in NY with his family and it sounds like they are making the rounds to see all the relatives they can.....that works for them. I am not saying given the opportunity to spend a Christmas Eve with my family all together that I would pass it up......I would love it but there is no one place where everyone is gathering so instead I will call them tomorrow or maybe skype them. We will get to visit via the internet.

But for this's about Christmas movies, snacks and and the anticipation of what Jenn could have possibly bought me for $5, $10 and $15 in Walmart.......

I will let you know tomorrow the answer to that question.....until then....Merry Christmas Eve.....

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