Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Scale Before and After ......

I think I will weigh myself this week before the big day. I weighed myself around Thanksgiving and was pleased that things seemed to be heading in the right direction even if it is very slowly. I will then weigh myself New year's Day so I know where I am at as I head into 2012.

My new job keeps me so busy I no where eat what I used to. I bring in food for breakfast, lunch and snack but many times just end up bringing them back home. I say that is a good thing. When I get home I am too tired to make any major effort to cook any thing but something as basic as soup. I feel that I will start to see the benefits of these eating changes once my body realizes I am not trying to starve it and am just adjusting to the new way I am eating. Also, once I am back in the gym in January I know that will kick everything into gear. I miss the gym this month but it was just adding additional stress to my life worrying about not getting there or saying I was going to go and not making it there......this time of year I am trying to reduce stress not create more. I already have my first date with my trainer scheduled for the first week of January so I am good to go.

New eating routines and back to working out......I am so ready to begin.

Like the last few years......once again the focus will be on me and I feel comfortable that I will have continued success in my goals to get healthy, eat healthy, lose weight and be a better me.

2 weeks and counting......

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