Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Best 11 of 2011

With only a few hours left to 2011 this seems like a good time to do a year in review. Most magazines, television stations, etc do a best of the year so why shouldn't I.....

1. I started the New Year with my family. My Mom, sister, brother-in-law and various nephews and niece. We had the traditional southern meal of collards, pork, black eyed peas (hoppin johns) and corn bread. It was a nice treat for my family to get to share some time together.

2. At my sister's advise I taped a quarter over the front door for good luck and it sure has worked. Jenn got a great job at USC and in the fall she will be teaching a Freshman 101 course too. I also took on a new job which has been a blessing putting me back in the part of the mortgage industry I love.

3. I made it to the gym most of the time......not perfect but I hung in there. I even learned I could get up off the floor if I had to.

4. I was able to spend some time with most of my family in June at my nephews wedding in Florida. We have some great family photo's from the occasion. In fact I liked one so much that I now use it on my facebook page.

5. I still get on the scale but decided at the advice of my trainer to not put myself through the weekly weigh-in which seemed to determine my mood for the week.

6. I used up every bit of vacation time (except the 5 days I was allowed to carry-over) and realized the company will not shut down if I am not there everyday.

7. After much encouragement by Jenn, I bought an IPhone. OK how did I ever survive without it. I love my IPhone!!!!!

8. I went on 2 count 'em 2 business trips. I actually flew alone to Maine and back. I learned I do not want to want to switch planes in Philly if I can avoid it. I also learned that pilots hate to land at Reagan in D.C. be cause if the short runway (glad I didn't know that in advance). My second trip was with a bunch of managers and that was fun to travel as a group.

9. I have started to treat myself to things that I wouldn't have before.....a new recliner for the living room, a Keurig coffee maker, the IPhone.....I have not gone crazy but it is nice to not stress about every penny I spend. I am still cautious but every once in a while I say "oh go for it"...

10. I love reading the Sunday New York Times on my kindle......I also love that it only costs me 99 cents to get it downloaded.

11. I love that I have been blessed with another year surrounded by family and friends that I love and that for some crazy reason love me in return. You can't ask for more than that......all in all it has been a good year.

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