Sunday, December 4, 2011

How Can It Be Sunday Night Again???

It seems like every time I turn around the week-end is over. How can those 2 days go so fast? Well this week-end I did work Saturday so that might explain why Sunday got here so fast. When I work Saturday then Sunday is like one big blur add to it the holidays and well you get the picture......

I have to say this year we are more on track than other years. The tree is up and decorated. The outside of the house is decorated too. Any gift we have bought has been wrapped (thank you Jenn). Next weekend is baking. We have to figure out quantities and which cookies to make. We will be making some of the old reliables and trying some new ones too.

I might even be able writing a Christmas card or two this week.......maybe......last year I never sent a card.

Well here I am ready to face a new week.....clothes ready check......lunch made check.....gas in the car check......well rested and ready to go.......not so much....

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