Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cellphone Behavior

Someone needs to explain to me what kind of conversation is so important that it needs to take place while you are in a bathroom stall. I just don't get it!!!! I think it is rude, selfish, uncouth and just all around ridiculous. If you have an emergency call go in the hallway and talk but why in God's name would someone want to talk while know.....using the facilities. Plus, it is so inconsiderate to others who are in there. Yesterday, I went to the ladies room and yes there was someone talking up a storm to I have no idea who. But you could tell from the part of the conversation I had no choice but to hear that this was not about brain surgery but was pure gossip. Obviously the person talking in the stall had no qualms about what "background noises" might be going on while she chatted but it did offend me. There was part of me that wanted to start making grotesque sounds or make sounds like I was going to barf to see if that would get the person off the phone. I also took a longer than usual time washing my hands hoping I could see who was on the phone but they never left the stall. Maybe that was better......I would probably have made some remake about their lack of manners or how rude they were.....

Someone please explain to me what would possess someone to think talking on the phone in the bathroom is OK......because I sure don't get it......

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