Monday, December 26, 2011

Another Christmas Come and Goes......

It is hard to believe I am writing this the morning after Christmas. Where did the last 48 hours go????

We had a nice quiet Christmas Eve. And Christmas Day was lovely. OK I went way overboard on the books that I asked for......I have enough reading material until July 4th..... if I keep to another one of my resolutions to spend at least 1 to 2 hours a week reading. I love to read but just never seem to find the time so I am adding it to my resolution list.

We spent a few hours with friends and were back home and in our pj's by 6:30. We opened the last 3 gifts of the of mine was a scrabble game....great choice....since I have been playing Word Feud and Words with Friends on my IPhone I am suddenly in love with scrabble.

Just once or twice I looked at my friends with envy....spouses nearby, discussing the gifts they had received from each other.....some of those gifts were very beautiful.....I had to push those feelings of envy and sadness away....I worked my way through it and moved on.

All in all it was just about the day I had wished for.....I know my holidays with just Jenn are dwindling down and at some point Mr. Right will arrive.....I did tell her when she is married she will have to let her husband know I need her the week before Christmas or I will never get it all done...LOL. There may be Christmas's in the future where I will be spending time alone......that will be OK or I am sure I can find a friend or family member to visit. I will be OK and who knows maybe a day will come when I will not be just can't predict the future.

Well on to the New more week of holidays and then back to reality and routine......I really don't mind that too much.....but for today it is after Christmas sales......I know I know.....what a way to spend the day.....

The day after Christmas is always a bit of a letdown for me......I need to keep busy and keep those post Christmas blues away.....or I can spend my time figuring out my new coffee maker......or I can read one of the over 100 happy thoughts or things that make me laugh that Jenn put in a jar for me......that gift cost very little to put together but took a lot of time and thought.....tomorrow it will be on my desk so when days get a little rough I will have something to make me smile......Jenn said she will add to the jar as things she think of come up......that little glass jar is priceless......I cheated just now and took out two said a happy thought....saving 3 gifts for Christmas night.....the other said I am proud of all you have I said priceless.....

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