Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why Am I Suddenly Homesick....

Last night as Jenn and I were running an errand, she mentioned going to Shoprite (our local supermarket in NY). It made me think of going food shopping and 9 times out of 10 running into someone I knew. It made me a little sad. I very seldom run into anyone I know at the supermarket. I know part of this has to do with the fact that Shoprite was the only supermarket in my hometown (Pearl River NY) so of course the odds of running into someone you knew were pretty good. I also like running into my brother Greg who worked the night shift there. I would be in shopping early on Sunday morning and he would just be finishing up. Now I haven't seen him in a few years. We talk on the phone but it is not the same as seeing him.

Last year, my Mom was here the week before Christmas. She helped bake, made us beautiful angels that now grace our living room and helped add to the holidays. This year she will be in NY for the holidays.

I talk to my brother George every few weeks and my sister Cheryl once a week or every other week. What I would give for one more Christmas with all of us together. Each year some challenge comes up that makes all of us being in the same place at the same time difficult. I will be heading to NY pretty soon to visit Mom and hopefully will be able to see everyone in the family while I am there......but it is not the same as spending Christmas Eve under one roof.....the laughter, the familiarity of the family stories shared and of course the foods. A sharing of traditions and history.

I love the song have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas but it also makes me a little sad......I think about the family I am not seeing......makes me wonder if ever again we will all be able to share a holiday together in NY.

The holidays are filled with wonder, excitement and anticipation.....but my mind keeps going back to those Christmas's past where we all came together at 33 Haven Terrace and for a few hours and shared the magic of Christmas. I wish I could go back for just one of those Christmas's again.....with my Dad......I would love to have Jenn share that experience with me.....

Look how far I have gotten off track from my original entry......I started at Shoprite and ended up with Christmas with my Dad.

I am not homesick often but this time of year......I do get the yearning to be in NY......of course, I know that Christmas up there is different now my mind everyone has a Norman Rockwell picture Christmas but me....LOL....I know the reality is it has changed for all of us......I will shake off the homesickness and enjoy the holidays with the new friends I have made since I moved here 13 years ago but I have to say honestly there will be some part of me hanging around in the kitchen watching my dad cook the traditional Italian 7 kinds of fish dinner....if only in my dreams.....

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