Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

It is only a week after Thanksgiving and I am already thinking about New Year's resolutions..... maybe it is the guilt......I have been so busy at work and getting ready for the holiday's that I haven't been to the gym as much as I normally do. I am getting there are often as I can but not my usual 4-5 times a week. Once we get to is back in the routine.

Resolution #1: nothing should get in my way of the gym at least 4 times a week

Resolution #2: Work more on my Italian lessons. I have the books .....I need to use them.

Resolution #3: Keep up the healthy eating and only eating when I am hungry. (I have been good about this one even now).

Resolution #4: Spend more time with friends and family laughing.....the laughter is the important part.

Not an overly ambitious list so far. I will be adding to the list as I get closer to January 1st.

So far the overlying theme has, happiness, laughter and love.....not so bad......if that is all I accomplish next year......well then 2012 will be a banner year!!!

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